\n'); } function showTranscript(acc_id,ss_id,audioID,slidenum){ transWindow = window.open( "http://vhss.oddcast.com/transcript_frame.php?acc="+acc_id+"&ss="+ss_id+"&au="+audioID+"&sn="+slidenum,"transWindow","width=500,height=500,toolbar=no,resizable=no"); transWindow.focus(); } // ------------------------- // ------------------------- Host Speech and Facial API FUNCTIONS function stopSpeech(){ getHostPath(); mc.TCallLabel(curHost, "stopSpeech"); } function replay(){ vhssObj = InternetExplorer ? VHSS : window.document.VHSS; vhssObj.TCallLabel("/", "replay"); } //function variables: //newMouseMode: 0 - turns mouse tracking OFF; 1 - turns mouse tracking ON function followcursor(newMouseMode){ getHostPath(); mouseModePath= hostPath + sep2 + "host" + sep1 + "mouseMode" ; mc.SetVariable(mouseModePath,newMouseMode); mc.TCallLabel(curHost, "followcursor"); } function recenter(){ getHostPath(); mc.TCallLabel(curHost, "recenter"); } function setGaze(deg, dur, rad){ getHostPath(); tmp= hostPath + sep2 + "host" + sep1 + "lookDeg"; mc.SetVariable(tmp, deg); tmp= hostPath + sep2 + "host" + sep1 + "lookRad"; mc.SetVariable(tmp, rad); tmp= hostPath + sep2 + "host" + sep1 + "lookDur"; mc.SetVariable(tmp, dur); mc.TCallLabel(curHost, "setLook"); } function freezeToggle(){ vhssObj = InternetExplorer ? VHSS : window.document.VHSS; vhssObj.TCallLabel("/", "freezeToggle"); } function sayText(ttsText,voice,lang,engine,noInterrupt){ getHostPath(); mc.SetVariable("tts.lang",lang); mc.SetVariable("tts.voice",voice); mc.SetVariable("tts.text",ttsText); mc.SetVariable("tts.engine",engine); mc.TCallLabel("/tts", "sayTTS"); } function sayAudio(audioName,noInterrupt){ getHostPath(); mc.SetVariable("sayMC.audioName",audioName); mc.TCallLabel("/sayMC", "sayByName"); } function loadText(ttsText,voice,lang,engine){ getHostPath(); mc.SetVariable("tts.cacheIt",1); sayText(ttsText,voice,lang,engine); } function loadAudio(audioName){ getHostPath(); mc.SetVariable("sayMC.cacheIt", 1); sayAudio(audioName); } // ------------------------- Flow API FUNCTION // ------------------------- Link API FUNCTION function SetLink (href){ vhssObj = InternetExplorer ? VHSS : window.document.VHSS; vhssObj.SetVariable("slide.BUTTON.HREF",href); } function SetTarget (targetName){ vhssObj = InternetExplorer ? VHSS : window.document.VHSS; vhssObj.SetVariable("slide.BUTTON.WINDOW",targetName); }
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